Rules will apply for scribe:
* Please ensure you are eligible to use a scribe as per the Government of India rules governing the recruitment of Persons with Disabilities.
* The candidate will have to arrange his/ her own scribe/ writer at his/ her own cost
* The scribe can be from any academic discipline.
* Both, the candidate as well as the scribe will have to give a suitable undertaking, in the prescribed format with passport size photograph of the scribe.
* Only those candidates who use a scribe/ writer shall be eligible for extra time of 20 minutes and/ or part thereof for every hour of the examination provided that the candidate uses scribe/ writer for both the Objective and Descriptive test.
* Visually Impaired candidates under Blind/Low Vision may skip the non-verbal questions, if any, in Test of Reasoning (High level) and questions based on Graph/Table, if any, in Test of Data Analysis & Interpretation. The candidates will be awarded marks for such Sections based on the overall average obtained in other Sections of the respective test.
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