during September/ October
Those candidates who are blind / low vision or affected by cerebral palsy with loco-motor impairment and whose writing speed is affected can use own scribe at own cost during the written examination. In all such cases where a scribe is used, the following rules will apply:
- Please ensure you are eligible to use a scribe as per the Government of India rules governing the recruitment of Persons with disabilities.
- The candidate will have to arrange his own scribe at his own cost
- The scribe can be from any academic discipline.
- The Scribe should be from an academic discipline other than that of Candidate (For Specialist Officer in Scale-II)
- Both, the candidate as well as the scribe will have to give a suitable undertaking, in the prescribed format with passport size photograph of the scribe, confirming that the scribe fulfils all the stipulated eligibility criteria for a scribe as mentioned above. Further, in case it later transpires that he did not fulfill any of the laid-down eligibility criteria or suppressed material facts, the candidature of the applicant will stand cancelled, irrespective of the result of the written test.
- Such candidate who uses a scribe shall be eligible for compensatory time of 20 minutes for every hour of the examination.
- Visually Impaired candidates under Blind/Low Vision may skip the non-verbal questions, if any, in Test of Reasoning and questions on Table/Graph, if any in Test of Quantitative Aptitude/ Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation/ Numerical Ability. The candidates will be awarded marks for such Section based on the overall average obtained in other Sections of the respective test.
You can download the scribe form for IBPS RRB assistant and scale1, 2 and 3.
You can also download:
Download Information Handout for CWE (Online) for Officer Scale – I in Regional Rural Banks (Hindi)
If you will face any difficulty while downloading the forms, you can leave a comment!
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