
Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Last Three Months Current Affairs For SBI PO Exam 2013

Mr. Banker | 8:49 am |

We are providing Current Affairs 2013 last three months for SBI Probationary Officer 2013 exam. Now Aspirants Can Download.

Current Affairs Consist of Month:

Current Affairs 2013: January, February and March


  • 1. International
  • 2. India and World
  • 3. National
  • 4. States
  • 5. Conferences
  • 6. Awards and Honours
  • 7. Sports News
  • 8. Economy
  • 9. Science & Technology
  • 10. Persons in news
  • 11. Places in News
  • 12. Abbreviations
  • 13. Books in news
  • 14. Committees

Above Topics are indexed in this material

Download last three months current affairs

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Sunday, 21 April 2013

SBI PO Reasoning Part-5

Mr. Banker | 12:11 am |
Directions (Question No 26 to 30).
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Following are the conditions for selecting senior manager-credit in bank. The candidate must:-
1. Be a graduate in   any diciplen with at least 60% marks.
2.  Have post qualification of work experience of at least 10 years in the advance section of the bank.
3. Be at least 30 years and not more than 40 years as on 1/4/2010.
4. Have secured at least 40% marks in the group discussion.
5. Have secured at least 50% marks in interview.
In the case of candidate   who satisfies all the conditions.
A. At(1) Above but has secure at least 50% marks in graduation and at least 60% marks in post graduation in and discipline the case is to be refer to  general manager-advance.
B. At(2) above but has total post qualification work experience of at least 7 years out of which at least 3 years as manager-credit in a bank, the case is to be referred to executive director.
In each question, below details of one candidate is given. You have to take one of the following courses of action based on the information provided and the condition and sub-conditions given above and mark the number of that course of action as your answer. You are not to assume anything other than the information provided in each question. All these cases are given to you as on 1/4/2010.
Give answer (1) if the case is to be referred to executive director.
Give answer (2) if the case is to be referred to general manager-advances.
Give answer (3) if the data are in adequate to take a dission.
Give answer (4) if the candidate is not to be selected.
Give answer (5) if the candidate is to be selected.

26. Prakash Gokhale was born on 4th august 1977. He has secured 65% marks in post graduation and 58% marks in graduation. He has been working for the past 10 years in the advance department of a bank after completing his post graduation. He has secured 45% marks in the group discussion and 50% marks in the interview.
Answer:  2
Prakash Has Less than 60% in graduation but more than 60% in PG. So, his case to be referred to the GM-Advances.

27. Amit Narayan was born on 28th May 1974. He has been working in the advance department of a bank for the past 11 years after completing his BSC degree with 65% marks. He has secured 55% marks in the Group discussion and 50% marks in the interview.
Answer: 5
Amit Narayan fullfills all requirements.

28. Shobha Gupta has secured 50% marks in the interview and 40% marks in the Group discussion. She has been working for the past 8 years out of which 4 years as manager-credit in bank. After completing her BA degree with 60% marks she was born on 12th September 1978.
Answer: 1.
Shobha Gupta Does not fulfil condition '2' but 'B' fullfills so her case to be referred to the (ED Executive Director)

29. Rohan Maskare was born on 8th march 1974. He has been working in a bank for the past 12 years after completing his COM degree with 70% marks. He has secured 50% marks in both the group discussion and the interview.
Answer: 3
Data insufficient(Experience in advances department is not clear.)

30. Sudha Mehrotra has been working in the advance department of a bank for the past 12 years after completing her B COM degree with 60% marks. She has secured 50% marks in the group discussion and 40% marks in the interview. She was born on 15th Feb 1972.
Answer: 4
Sudha Mehrotra has less than 50% marks in interview. So she is not to be selected.

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Friday, 19 April 2013

SBI PO Reasoning Part-4

Mr. Banker | 10:16 pm |
Directions (Question No 21 to 25) in the following questions, the symbols @, $, *, # and % are used with the following meaning as illustrated below:
‘P $ Q ‘means ‘P is not smaller than Q’.
‘P @ Q’ means ‘P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q’.
‘P # Q’ means ‘P is neither greater than nor equal to Q’.
‘P % Q’ means ‘P is neither greater than nor smaller than Q’.
‘P * Q’ means ‘P is not greater than Q’.
Now in each of the following questions assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the four conclusions A, B, C and D. Given below them each / are definitely true and give your answer accordingly.

21. Statement: N % B, ‘B $ W’, ‘W # H’, ‘H * M’.
 ‘M @ W’
B. ‘H @ N’
C. ‘W % N’
D. ‘W # N’

1. Only A is true.
2. Only C is true.
3. Only D is true.
4. Only C or D is true.
5. Only either C or D and A are true.

Answer: 5(Only either C or D and A are true.)
N=B, B>=W, W<H, H<=Q
So, N=b>=W<H<=M

A. M>W(True)
B. H>N(False)
C. W=N(True)
D. W<N(True)
Hence, N>=W.

22. Statement: ‘R * D’, ‘D $ J’, ‘J # M’, ‘M @ K’.
A. ‘K # J’
B. ‘D @ M’
C. ‘R # M’
D. ‘d @ K’
1. None is true.
2. Only A is true.
3. Only B is true.
4. Only C is true.
5. Only D is true.
Answer: 1(Only D is true.)

R<=D, D>=J, J<M, M>K
So, R<=D>=J<M>K

A. K<J(False)
B. D>M(False)
C. R<M(False)
D. D>K(False)
So, None is true.

23. Statement: ‘H @ T’, ‘T # F’, ‘F % E’, E * V’.
A.  ‘V $ F’.
B. ‘E @ T’.
C. ‘H @ V’.
D. ‘T # V’.
1. Only A, B and C are true.
2. Only A, B and D are true.
3. Only B, C and D are true.
4. Only A, C and D are true.
5. All A, B, C and D are true.

Answer: 2(Only A, B and D are true.)

H>T, T<F, F=E, E<=V.
So, H>T<F=E<=V

A. V>=F(True)
B. E>T(True)
C. H>V(False)
D. T<V(True)
So, Only 1, 2 and 4 are true.

24. Statement: ‘D # R’, ‘R * K’, ‘K @ F’, ‘F $ J’.
A. ‘J # R’
B. ‘J # K’
C. ‘R# F’
D. ‘K @ D’

1. Only A, B and C are true.
2. Only B, C and D are true.
3. Only A, C and D are true.
4. All A, B, C, D are true.
5. None of above.
Answer: 5(None of above.)

D<R, R<=K, K>F, F>=j
So, D<R<=K>F>=J

A. J<R(False)
B. J<K(True)
C. R<F(False)
D. K>D(True)
So, Only 2 and 4 are true.

25. Statement: ‘M $ K’, ‘K @ N’, ‘N * R’, ‘R # W’.
A. ‘W @ K’
B. ‘M $ R’
C. ‘K @ W’
D. ‘M @ N’

1. Only A and B are true.
2. Only A, B and C are true.
3. Only C and D are true.
4. Only B, C and D are true.
5. None of the above.

Answer: 5(None of the above.)

M>=K, K>N, N<=R, R<W
So, M>=K>N<=R<W

A. W>K(False)
B. M>=R(False)
C. K>W(False)
D. M>N(True)
So, Only 4 is true.
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Saturday, 13 April 2013

SBI PO Previous Years reasoning Questions

Mr. Banker | 11:29 pm |

Friends, You can download the Previous years reasoning questions for upcoming of SBI PO exam, which is going to be held on 28th of April.

Download SBI PO Reasoning

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IBPS state wise vacancies announced

Mr. Banker | 12:22 am |

You can check the state wise vacancies by download IBPS official notification. Official notification is not accessible, you can download Ms-word format. After checking the vacancies, you can register your preferenceafter 15th of April.
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Thursday, 11 April 2013

IBPS Clerk Final Result 2013 (CWE and Interview) Announced

Mr. Banker | 9:13 am |
You can check out your resultIBPS CWE - Clerical Phase II Combined Result Display, simply enter the Registration No or Roll No and Password or Date of Birth and hit submit.

Important Information:

Choosing Banks preference dates – 15 April 2013 to 22 April 2013.

Joining – May 2013.

email for queries –

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Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Download Call Letter and Scribe form,SBI PO 2013

Mr. Banker | 10:18 pm |

You can download the call letter for upcoming exam which is going to be held on 28th April by clicking Download SBI PO 2013 Call Letter and download the book let (english Version). Download the scribe form

Rules will apply for scribe:

* Please ensure you are eligible to use a scribe as per the Government of India rules governing the recruitment of Persons with Disabilities.

* The candidate will have to arrange his/ her own scribe/ writer at his/ her own cost

* The scribe can be from any academic discipline.

* Both, the candidate as well as the scribe will have to give a suitable undertaking, in the prescribed format with passport size photograph of the scribe.

* Only those candidates who use a scribe/ writer shall be eligible for extra time of 20 minutes and/ or part thereof for every hour of the examination provided that the candidate uses scribe/ writer for both the Objective and Descriptive test.

* Visually Impaired candidates under Blind/Low Vision may skip the non-verbal questions, if any, in Test of Reasoning (High level) and questions based on Graph/Table, if any, in Test of Data Analysis & Interpretation. The candidates will be awarded marks for such Sections based on the overall average obtained in other Sections of the respective test.

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Sunday, 7 April 2013

SBI PO Reasoning Part-3

Mr. Banker | 3:50 pm |
11. Statement: All Cups are bottles. Some bottles are Jugs.  No jug is plate. Some plates are tables.
1. Some tables are bottles
2. Some plates are cups
3. No table is bottle
4. Some jugs are cups.

a. Only One follows
b. Only 2 follows
c. Only 3 follows
d. Only 4 follows
e. Only Either 1 or 3 follows
Ans: E(Only Either 1 or 3 follows)

12. Statement all birds are horses. All horses are tigers. Some tigers are lions. Some lions are monkies.
1. Some tigers are horses
2. Some monkies are birds
3. Some tigers are birds.
4. Some monkies are horses.

a. Only 1 and 3 follows
b. Only 1, 2 and 3 follows
c. Only 2, 3 and 4 follows
d. All follows
e. None of the above
Ans: A(Only 1 and 3 follows)

13. Statement:  Some chairs are handles. All handles are pots. All pots are Mats. Some mats are buses.
1.  Some buses are handles
2.  Some mats are chairs
3.  No bus is handle
4.  Some mats are handles

A Only 1, 2 and 4 follows
b. Only 2, 3 and 4 follows
c. Only Either 1 or 3 and 2 follows.
d. Only Either 1 or 3 and 4 follows.
e. Only either 1 or 3 and 2 and 4 follows.
Ans: E(Only either 1 or 3 and 2 and 4 follows.)

14. Statements- Some sticks are Lamps. Some Flowers are Lamps. Some Lamps are Dresses. All dresses are Shirts.
1. Some Shirts are Sticks.
2. Some Shirts are Flowers.
3. Some Flowers are Sticks.
4. Some Dresses are Sticks.

a. None Follows.
b. Only 1 follows.
c. Only 2 follows.
d. Only 3 follows.
e. Only 4 follows.
Ans: None Follows.

15. Statements- Some benches are walls. All walls are houses. Some houses are jungles. All jungles are roads.
1. Some roads are benches.
2. Some jungles are walls.
3. Some houses are benches.
4. Some roads are houses.

a. Only 1 and 2 follows.
b. Only 1 and 3 follows.
c. Only 3 and 4 follows.
d. Only 2, 3 and 4 follows.
e. None of the above.
Ans: C(only 3 and 4 follows).

Directions (16 to 20)
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight employees of an organization working in three departments viz Personal, Administration and Marketing with not more than three of them in any department. Each of them has a different choice of sports from Football, Cricket, Volleyball, Badminton, Lawn Tennis, Basketball, Hockey and Table Tennis. Not necessarily in the same order.
D works in Administration and does not like either football or cricket.
F works in Personal with only A who likes Table Tennis.
E and H do not work in the same department as D.
C likes Hockey and does not work in Marketing.
G does not work in Administration and does not like either Cricket or badminton.
One of those who work in Administration likes Football.
The one who likes Volleyball works in Personal.
None of those who works in Administration likes either badminton or Lawn tennis.
H does not like Cricket.

16.  Which of the following groups of employees work in Administration department?
1. E, G, H
2.  A, F
3. B, C, D
4. B, G, D
5.  Data in adequate.
Answer: 3(B, C, D).

17. In which department does E work?
1. Personal
2. Marketing
3. Administration
4. Data in adequate
5. None of these.
Ans: 2(Marketing)

18. What is E’s favourite sport?
1. Cricket
2. Badminton
3. Basket Ball
4. Lawn tennis
5. None of these.
Ans: 1(Cricket)

19. Which of the following combination of employee-Department-Favourite Sport is correct?
1. E-Administration-Cricket
2. F-Personal-Lawn Tennis
3. H-Marketing-Lawn Tennis
4. B-Administration-Table Tennis
5. None of these.
Ans: 5(None of these)

20. Which is G’s favourite sport?
1. Cricket
2. Bad Minton
3. Basket Ball
4. Lawn Tennis
5. None of these.
Ans: 4 (Lawn Tennis)

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