We are sharing some mock test papers developed by Samrita Trust for upcoming IBPS-PO-3 exam; hope it would help you to enhance your knowledge and speed.
- 1. The mock tests are designed to give practice in answering actual tests online and also improve knowledge by learning correct answers and minor differences in the options. Only known method of getting good marks in objective tests with limited time for competitive examinations to get jobs is repeated practice of answering model test papers by candidates with time limit to improve speed of thinking. For this purpose Samrita Trust has developed mock test papers in the main subjects for competitive examinations.
- 2. The mock test papers have three parts. Part one is mock test paper. Part two is analysis of results in the test you attempted. Part three is review of test paper with questions, all the options, correct answer and explanation, where necessary, for improving your knowledge to get better score in next attempt.
- 3. You should answer each test paper 2 or 3 times till you get minimum of 50 % marks. Then go to next test paper in same subject. After answering all the test papers in one subject, go to next subject. Just before examinations, answer at least 5 papers in each subject, depending on type of examination.
- 4. How to answer mock tests papers?
- (a). Each mock test paper has 50 questions.
- (b). You have 40 minutes to complete 50 questions. Answer questions which are easy for you first and leave difficult questions to answer in next attempt. You can use UP and DOWN arrows to come back to questions left, if time permits.
- (c). Each question has 4 or 5 options, out of which one is correct answer. Listen to the options, if necessary more than once by using UP and DOWN arrows.
- (d). When you have selected the correct option, use SPACE bar to store that answer and DOWN arrow to go to next question.
- (e). After your time is over or you have answered all the questions, press DOWN arrow. You will listen SUBMIT. Hit SPACE bar to submit for results. Listen carefully for your result. In result, you will listen number of questions attempted, number of questions answered correctly, number answered wrongly and time spent to answer the test paper.
- (f). Then you will find test paper again for learning. In this you find each question, all the options, correct answer and explanation for getting the correct answer, where necessary, which is useful to improve your knowledge.
- (g). After completing review, you can go to next test paper or go back to same test paper.
You can download the papers from:
- Computer knowledge
- General Awareness and banking
- General English
- Numerical ability
- Reasoning ability
Happy reading...