
Thursday, 30 May 2013

Apply online for RBI assistant post

Mr. Banker | 11:01 pm |

You can download the official advertisement of RBI from here.

    There are three vacancies for Visually Impaired.
  • Bhopal-1
  • Kolkata-1
  • Mumbai-1

Online registration has been started. You can apply for the post by clicking Recruitment for the post of Assistant. Last date for applying online is 20-06-2013.

Before applying, Candidates should ensure that they fulfill the eligibility criteria for the post. Candidates are requested to apply online through Bank’s website

Helpline: In case of any problem in filling up the form, payment of fee or receipt of call letter, queries may be made at 022 – 29687111 or

Don’t forget to mention ‘RBI Assistant Examination’ in the subject box of the email.
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Wednesday, 29 May 2013

RBI Recruitment 2013: 525 Assistant Posts

Mr. Banker | 8:29 am |

  • Total Posts: 525
  • Pay-Scale: Rs 2, 90, 00 (Rs 21,419 / Month).
    • Applicants willing to apply for Assistant Jobs in RBI, must full fill the below mentioned eligibility conditions.
    • Age Limit: Applicants must be over 18 years and below 28 years (10 years relaxation for VI)
    • Educational Qualifications: Applicants must have obtained Degree in any Discipline with at least 50 % marks from any recognized University. However candidates from reserved categories (SC/ST/PWD) must be only passing in the Bachelor's Degree
    • Computer Literacy: Applicants must have the knowledge of Word Processing on Computers.
      Important Dates:
    • Online Registration starts from: 30th May to 20th June, 2013
    • Application Fee can be deposited from: 30th May to 24th June, 2013
    • Date of Written (Online) Exam: 20th/21st July and 27th/28th July, 2013
      How to Apply?
    • Applicants need to apply Only through Online Mode at the RBI's Official Website at The Complete Instructions for Submitting the Online Application will be published on this page, soon after the Detailed Advertisement will be released.

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    Friday, 10 May 2013

    Banking facilities to the visually challenged

    Mr. Banker | 7:35 am |

    Often persons with visual disabilities face difficulty activating facilities such as ATM facility, Net banking facility etc. Therefore, this blog is providing the Circular DBOD. No. Leg BC. 91 /09.07.005/2007-08 dated June 4, 2008, wherein it is clearly stated that the visually impaired are entitled to use these facilities without any discrimination.

    Additionally, in this Circular, there are guidelines to make the ATMs accessible.

    The aforesaid Circular can be downloaded from here.

    If there be a requirement of a letter to be addressed to the Zonal Manager, a template letter is drafted by this blog to ease the process, which can be downloaded from here.

    Enter your e-mail ID to get free updates

    Keywords: RBI Circular for visually challenged, Banking facilities for visually challenged, ATM/Debit card facility for visually challenged

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    Tuesday, 7 May 2013

    IBPS CWE_Clerks_II_Allotment_2 Has Been Done

    Mr. Banker | 8:07 am |

    Allotment process against updated available vacancies of Clerical Staff in Participating Organisations for 2013-14 has been completed. Candidates are being intimated individually about their status at the email address and mobile number registered for CWE Clerks-II. Allotment has been done based on merit-cum-preference keeping in view the spirit of various guidelines issued by Govt. of India/Others from time to time. A candidate belonging to reserved category, selected on the basis of norms as applicable to General category, has been treated at par with a General category candidate for drawing up the merit list. Such a candidate has not been adjusted against a reserved post. However his/her allotment to an Organisation has been done by treating him/her as if he/she has qualified as a reserved category candidate. In the event of two or more candidates having obtained the same score, merit order is decided as per date of birth (the candidate senior in age is placed before the candidate junior in age).

      Please note:
    • 1) No change in the data registered by the candidate in the online application form is possible.
    • 2) The decision of IBPS in allotment of Organisations is final and binding upon the selected candidates. However IBPS reserves the right to cancel, reallot Organisation-wise allocation depending upon exigencies or otherwise.
    • 3) The allotment is subject to the candidate fulfilling the criteria for Participating Organisations and identity verification to the satisfaction of the allotted organisation. This does not constitute an offer of employment. In case it is detected at any stage of the recruitment process that, the candidate does not satisfy the eligibility criteria his/her candidature/ chance in the process shall stand forfeited.
    • 4) Offer of appointment including terms and conditions, formalities for verification, joining etc. will be issued from the allotted Participating Organisation in due course. Candidates may approach the respective organisation only after hearing from the said organisation. Offer of appointment is solely the decision of the Participating Organisations and shall be final and binding. IBPS has no role here.
    • 5) If the candidate does not avail the offer/ appointment from the allotted Participating Organisation his/her candidature/ chance in the process shall stand forfeited.
    • 6) Statewise and categorywise maximum and minimum scores (combined scores in CWE and interview out of 100) for provisional allotment is indicated in Annexure A.

    Download the official notification

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    Saturday, 4 May 2013

    Free material for JAIIB and CAIIB exams

    Mr. Banker | 9:36 pm |

    Indian Institute of Banking & Finance conducts diploma of JAIIB and CAIIB for the bankers. The main objective of this diploma is:

    • To facilitate study of theory and practice of banking and finance.
    • To test and certify attainment of competence in the profession of banking and finance.
    • To collect, analyse and provide information needed by professionals in banking and finance.
    • To promote continuous professional development.
    • To promote and undertake research relating to Operations, Products, Instruments, Processes, etc. In banking and finance and to encourage innovation and creativity among finance professionals so That they could face competition and succeed.

    The exam is held twice in a year in the month of May and November-December. You have to clear all the papers of JAIIB before applying for CAIIB. Here is free study material for both JAIIB and CAIIB exams.

      JAIIB contains three papers viz
    • 1. Principles & Practices of Banking
    • 2. Accounting & Finance for Bankers
    • 3. Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Banking

    You can download the e-text format of aforementioned JAIIB books from here. If you are not comfortable with the e-text format, you can download the audio format of the books of JAIIB recorded by samerita trust fromhere.

      CAIIB also contains three papers viz
    • 1. Advance Bank Management
    • 2. Bank Financial Management
    • 3. Retail Banking

    Regarding the third paper, candidates can choose one paper from the eleven optional papers that will now be offered as electives. The electives cover the entire range of specialized domains in a bank. The electives currently offered are Human Resources Management, Risk, Treasury, Retail Banking, International Banking, Corporate Banking, Co-operative Banking, Information Technology, Rural Banking, Financial Advising and Central Banking.

    You can download the aforemention material of CAIIB in text from here. Material in audio format, recorded by Samrita Trust, is also available here.

    Enter your e-mail ID for free updates.

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    Download the Special Conveyance Allowance Circular

    Mr. Banker | 4:42 pm |

    The AIBEA Circular Letter No.26/12/2009/11 dated 31.03.2009, for Conveyance Allowance to Blind & Orthopaedically Handicapped employees working in the public sector bank in India, is available here to be downloaded.

    It may also be intimated that in the current circular, the Government of India has increased the Conveyance Allowance to Blind & Orthopaedically Handicapped employees from Rs. 200 per month to Rs. 400 per month.

    The Circular can be downloaded from here

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